Custom portraits and art pieces

These portraits and art pieces offer an unusual and attention grabbing, contemporary alternative to standard photography. The process offers a wide range of creative possibilities that result in totally unique contemporary art pieces that can originate from fairly low quality original photography.
This unusual style of image creation results in art that comes in to focus from a distance and seems abstract when viewed close up!
The picture above is from an opportune mobile phone snap!
how this service works
The customer Emails to me a loved photo or image indicating the preferred style of art piece the would like. I will assess the image to determine if it is suitable for the chosen style and make alternative recommendations if required. Small alterations to the image can be made if required to make the process more effective. I will then email a simulation indicative of the final work for approval. Once agreed I will begin production and your art piece will be sent out to you normally within 2 weeks.
Images with simple backgrounds tend to work best for this type of artwork however it is generally possible for me to reduce the impact of the background by altering the image on a computer.

final drawing on wood

The great thing is the original image can be a snap or even part of a snap from a mobile phone and in some situations can even be a little blurry. Obviously if you have a high quality professional image then that will also work.
Below are some examples of completed work.

Poor quality original

Original image
Poor quality, low resolution image was supplied where the focal area had to be enlarged.

Carved art piece
The final art piece was carved from 18mm white melamine faced wood using a slightly wavy 45 degree line.

Original Image
This image had a busy background that needed to be cut out and knocked back to make the key subject clearer.

Carved art piece
The final art piece was carved on 18mm white melamine faced wood using a straight 45 degree line.

original Image
This image had a busy background that needed to be removed in order to focus on the key subjects

Carved art piece
The final art piece was carved from 18mm white melamine faced wood using a radial carve with the centre of the radius centred below the bottom of the image line.

Original image
This image was dark and had to be brightened to enhance the features of the face.

Carved art piece
The final art piece was carved from 25mm black painted wood using a vertical straight line. the subject was cropped and offset to the RHS to create more tension.

original image
This image had a busy background that needed to be removed in order to focus on the key subject.

carved art piece
The final art piece was carved from 18mm white melamine faced wood using a large radial carve off-set to the LHS of the subject. The image was cropped tighter and offset for balance.
carving method variations
Images can be created by cutting either dot or line screens in various formats. Dot screens can sit on a uniform grid or an off set grid. Line screens can be at any angle, can be straight, wavy or be in a circular pattern.

Background colour & finish variations
The image background can be white, black or any other colour available in paint suitable for application to wood.
Custom backgrounds can be created by layering multiple media types such as MicroConcrete and paint to create unique surfaces that add visual depth and interest to the finished art piece.
The cut area can be left natural (showing the wood colour) or can be painted to help enhance the image.

art examples
Below are some examples of pre-made art pieces created using variations on this process.
There are many other possibilities to create truly unique art by combining colours and finishes with variations in the carving or drawing method.
If you have an image in mind for a gift or for yourself or perhaps you are interested in something already created please contact me to discuss details on 07956 337909 or email me at
As a guide prices for pre-made art start at £90 inc. vat ex delivery.




man lines

man in hat


man dots







liberty black





